
Why Solar Panels Should Be in Your Home Décor Plan This Year

by Guest on Jan 6, 2016

There is a reason why the usage of solar power has grown to over 70% of American households over recent years. You should not be left behind as a homeowner as many people across the nations are getting enlightened and enjoying the benefits of this source of electricity. So what are some of the benefits that are making the masses switch from the traditional sources of power?

Sensitivity to the environment

The decline of natural resources and the world’s overall health because of global warming is saddening. This is a major factor why as a homeowner; you should join in saving the world’s ecological system. Through solar power, your home will not remit poisonous gases that are poisonous to the ozone layer.

Saves you money

After installing a solar panel, you do not have to pay a single electricity bill since the source of power is free. According to research done by One Block Off the Grid, many homes can save above 100USD per month when they resort to solar panels. If you calculate this for ten or twenty years, you can save a huge investment for yourself and your family.

Adds to the value of your home

Homes with installed solar panels are being considered of more value in the property market. As per the National Renewable Energy Laboratory research, your home stands a chance of 20% over other homes when it has solar energy.

A reliable source of energy

The sun is a symbol of consistency. Solar panels do not run dry of power after storing the energy from the sun. Solar power is a great solution for states that experience power outages or rationing.

Input to the economy

Since solar energy taps from natural sunlight, the industry can't be monopolized. This creates three times more jobs than other natural sources of electricity like oil and gas.

The increase of solar power installations also saves states the huge costs of importing oil and gas to run their electricity, since the fuel of solar energy is readily available to independent homeowners.

To enjoy these benefits, you will need professional guidance in determining the ideal panel to install in your home, including portable solar panels. You need to note that just like any other commodity; solar panels also range in quality. They are categorized into three tiers:

Tier 1 panels are produced by companies that have invested heavily in research and development. These companies have been in the solar manufacturing industry for over five years. Their panels are made of high-quality silicone, which is a major element that adds to their durability.

Tier 2 panels are from companies that have been in the industry for 2-5 years and have not heavily invested in research and development. There are solar panels can also be of generally good quality, but not over the tier 1s.

Tiers 3 dominate about 90% of the solar panel market. The companies are not as particular in the manufacturing process, and mainly do assembling. Their quality is not promising.

With these pointers in mind, you should be geared up to join the league of this exciting and reliable energy for your home this year!

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