
How to Save Energy in Your Home

by Guest Post on Jan 8, 2016

Your home is where you spend most of your life because many hours in a day are spent in the comfort of our homes. Therefore, it is also where you spend most of your income. For any running household, there are a large number of items that use energy. Be it your television, cooker, dishwasher, radio, computer, washing machine, or shower.

Almost every activity that you participate in uses energy. We have daily activities which include, taking a shower, washing the laundry, entertaining ourselves either through watching a television program or listening to the radio and even something as simple as relaxing in a well-lit room.

Energy consumption is something that cannot be avoided; it is a part of daily living. But, you should not be a slave to paying high energy bills every month. Most people have been looking for ways to efficiently reduce their monthly energy bills. There has emerged a large group of individuals who are desperately seeking a reduction in energy consumption.

Below is a list of things you can do to make your home more energy efficient:

Invest in low-cost energy sufficient compact fluorescent bulbs.

When purchasing lighting for your home, make sure that you buy compact energy saving fluorescent bulbs. An ordinary bulb uses only ten to twelve percent of the input energy to generate light while the rest of the energy input generates heat. If you compare it to the compact fluorescent bulb that uses forty to forty-five percent of the input energy to generate light, you will see the advantage it holds over the ordinary light bulb. After making the switch, many households have saved a significant amount of energy. Read reviews to see how many other people are saving thousands every month on their electricity bills.

Turn off and unplug all home appliances when not in use.

It is obvious to everyone that an appliance that is switched off uses less energy than appliances that are switched on. What you don’t know is that even when an appliance is switched off, as long as it is plugged into a power source it continues to consume an amount of energy. Unplugging is as important as switching off.

Take baths instead of showers.

When we opt to take a shower instead of a bath, we not only use more water, we use more electricity. Taking a shower means that we are constantly using water even when we lather up. Most of us do not turn off the shower for the full period we use in the bathroom. If you find it inconvenient to switch to a bath, you can reduce the amount of time and remember to turn off the tap when you are not using the water.

Use alternative sources for electrical lighting

Instead of using electricity throughout the day, why don’t you let the sunshine in on days when there is a free source of light? Using solar panels or investing in a skylight for your home will save you a lot when it comes to the energy you use for lighting your home.

There are many benefits to conserving energy in your home. Changing your lifestyle and sharing your secrets of energy efficiency with your friends and relatives will contribute to a better environment and give rise to a more conscious generation.

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