
How to Keep Your Pets out of Your Flower Beds

by Guest Post on Jan 15, 2020

It’s cool when a person has different hobbies. For instance, gardening and pets are typical addictions of those who live in private houses. Yet, it’s not always possible to combine these hobbies while cute pets are able to destroy flower beds in no time. However, it’s not a reason to give one of your obsessions.

If you are ready to make some efforts, you have all the chances to enjoy both successful gardening and pastime with pets. The following tips can help you to keep your domestic animals out of your flower or vegetable beds.

Training is a must

It doesn’t matter what your pet is - a curious dog, a cheeky cat, or a cute raccoon, you should train your animals. It’s not an easy task. You have to be ready to pay a lot of time and energy on training, Yet, your favorite should listen to your instructions and know its limits. Yet, if you have ever had a dog or cat, you know for sure that even the most obedient animal is able to break the rules. It means you should better be reinsured and consider some other ways to keep your favorites out of the garden.

Install fences

Dogs and cats are creative but lazybones. They do not like to overcome obstacles. It’s one of the most effective ways to keep animals away from your garden. Nowadays it’s possible to pick up various fences to fit landscape design. It’s up to you to choose the proper material. It’s better to prefer more solid samples such as wood or plastic. It’s a cool idea to use a hedge as a fence. You can plant bush roses to prevent invasion. Yet, if you are a happy owner of a pug or French bulldog, it’s not a good way out. The dog can wound its eyes with spikes or thorns.

Wean pets from digging

It’s not a secret that one of the greatest problems with dogs and cats is their habit to dig in the most inappropriate places. Thousands of flowers and vegetables have already become the victims of our four-legs friends. Moreover, nowadays more and more gardeners prefer using weed control fabric. It makes gardening easier. Its main function is to prevent weeding. Moreover, the weed control fabric helps to keep the necessary moisture level and prevent erosion. Although the best samples of the material are firm enough, the most persistent creatures can spoil it. That’s why it’s better to wean them from digging.

There are several ways how you can do it. The first one is to define a particular place for digging for your cat or dog. Animals often start digging when they are bored or because they like doing it. It’s enough to create a digging-friendly area to solve this problem.

If your household plot is not enough to create the digging area, you can apply several methods to keep animals out of the flower beds. One of them is to sprinkle them with water as soon as they start digging. Only a few fur creatures are fond of water procedures.

If the previous method doesn’t work, you can try the next one. It’s rather weird but very effective. You should bury a couple of balloons in the favorite digging place of your pet. The blowing up of balloons is able to ward off intruders.

Use repellents

It’s one of the easiest and most effective ways. It’s enough to buy special repellents at the nearest pet shop and place them in your garden. Yet, if it rains often, you have to change repellents regularly.

There is nothing extra difficult in keeping your favorites out of your garden. It’s possible to combine two hobbies without a large effort.

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