
Which Mattress is Right for You?

by Guest Post on Apr 25, 2012

When people purchase a mattress, they do not think about what is right for them, rather, people simply just purchase the most commonly talked about mattresses that TV and various other advertising sources say are comfortable.

It is important to spend a bit of time contemplating about the right type of mattress for ourselves because according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), people spend almost one-third of their lives sleeping.

When you sleep on an uncomfortable bed, you end up having all sorts of problems ranging from insomnia to back pain. To avoid all these problems, a person should purchase a mattress that is right for them. When purchasing the mattress, three things should be taken into account: firmness, size, and type of mattress.


Most people assume that firm mattresses are very effective in providing proper back support. This is not the case. Very firm mattresses do not allow your spine to adjust and align itself correctly with the body. A very firm bed also puts unnecessary pressure on your back muscles and causes a backache.

On the other hand, some people think that soft and fluffy mattresses are the way to go. However, this should be avoided as well. Why? Very soft mattresses provide insufficient support for the back and as a result, when you lay down on the mattress, your back is pressed into the mattress, therefore, curling the spine to a certain angle.

You must choose a mattress that is firm, yet supportive of your back. Essentially, the mattress should be able to mold to the shape of your body while you sleep.

Type of Mattress

There are a variety of different types of mattresses available in the market to choose from. You can purchase foam mattresses, innerspring mattresses, memory foam mattresses, latex mattresses, and water beds.

Ideally, you should purchase a latex mattress as they are the best in providing a good night's sleep in comfort and ease. However, most people end up purchasing innerspring mattresses as they are the traditional norms.


Generally, the rule for mattresses is that the bigger the better, especially for those people that share a bed. A bigger bed will allow you legroom and freedom to move about on the bed while you sleep. Cramped conditions can make it very difficult to get a good sleep which only adds to the frustrations we face every day in our daily lives.

However, do not overdo the size of the mattress. Choose a mattress that is appropriate for the size of your room and your sleeping space so that mattress ends up looking good and feeling great.

No matter what mattress you end up purchasing, it is always a good idea to try it out before purchasing it. Most mattress stores know that their customers will usually end up lying on the bed to test whether it is right for them or not.

As such, don't be shy about lying down on a mattress in the store, it's part of the mattress decision and purchase-making process in choosing the mattress that is right for you.


After suffering from sleeping problems, Allan has started to write about the topics. He has published numerous articles on foam mattresses, sleep deprivation, and back pain. When he is not blogging, Allan loves spending time with his family.

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