
Your Checklist to Save Money on Plumbing

by Guest Post on Jul 29, 2019

Below is a checklist to help you develop good money-saving plumbing habits. 

1. Check for Running Toilets

Plumbers have been to many households to know how most of the city’s residents can save hundreds of dollars by taking on simple yet sensible plumbing habits. Being alert to telltale signs of impending plumbing emergencies, as well as taking precautions to help prevent them may even help save you up to thousands in repair costs.

2. Check for Leaking Faucets

Leaking faucets are one of the most common plumbing issues that homeowners often overlook. A leaking faucet, even one that is barely noticeable, can waste up to 15 gallons of water a day. This can add up to $100 on your yearly water bill for just one faucet alone. Shut off faucets and showerheads properly after each use. For faucets that won’t shut off completely, you can change the washers and gaskets inside the faucet if you have the ability. Hiring plumbers to change a leaky faucet or showerhead is still worth the investment if you don’t have the necessary do-it-yourself skills.

leaks and water saving

3. Check for Puddles and Water Stains

Puddles on the floor and water stains on the walls are telltale signs of a leak in your piping system. Such leaks may come from improperly sealed fittings or worse, cracks that might potentially burst. If you see any puddles or water stains on walls, call a plumber to check on it immediately. Catching this potential plumbing emergency early can save you up to a thousand dollars in repair costs.

4. Be Wary of Slow-moving Drains and Toilets

Most slow-moving drains and toilets soon become clogged and backed up. Once you see a drain or toilet moving slowly, try to resolve the issue by using a drain snake or a force plunger on the drain or toilet. If several drains are slow-moving at the same time, then the clog maybe somewhere in the main sewer line. You can try to remove the blockage yourself if you are handy enough or call in a professional to fix the problem before it gets worse.

5. Consider Low-flow Faucets and Showerheads

Low-flow faucets and showerheads can reduce your household’s water consumption by approximately 30 percent. These fixtures do these without compromising your home’s water needs. A 30 percent reduction in water consumption translates to about 700 gallons of water a year or about 40 full showers. Reducing the flow of water through your faucets and showerheads will also mean that you’ll require less energy to heat the water, thus also helping you reduce your household’s energy consumption.

Another important money-saving practice that is necessary for all homeowners is to schedule a regular professional inspection of your plumbing system. You can schedule at least once inspection a year or twice for older homes. This tip, along with the checklist above, should be able to help you save and enjoy hundreds and even thousands of dollars on plumbing.

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