
Why Aluminum Joinery is the Safest Choice for Your Windows

by James Kilvert on Feb 11, 2020

Aluminum kitchen windows with leaded-glass

Aluminum is the safest choice for your home because it offers strength, flexibility, and designs that cannot be matched by other window frames. The unique combination of these useful features has made aluminum a top choice for homeowners and constructors of large-scale projects. In simple words, your home will be much safer with aluminum window frames.

Why use aluminum frames to protect your home?

To understand why aluminum is an excellent deterrent against theft, it's important to highlight how burglars sneak in a house and what time they chose. According to the New Zeland Police Department statistics, crimes against property constitute more than three-quarters of total crimes in New Zealand. It means that private homes are the prime targets of burglars. In fact, there were more than 51,000 incidents reported in 2019 for thefts in residential properties compared to only 17,000 thefts for commercial real estate.

Interestingly, the most common time of house theft occurs in the broad daylight during early afternoon hours. Instead of the night time when everyone is at home, perpetrators always find it easier to access vacant properties when home occupants are at work. Early afternoon is also the time for moms and parents to pick their children from school. As such, an empty house gives thieves and criminals the perfect opportunity to strike.

For homeowners living in New Zealand, it's a wakeup call because the safety of their home not only depends on your vigilance but the type of safety structure also plays an equally critical role. This is precisely why aluminum joinery windows are becoming the prime choice for consumers and building architects because these windows offer homeowners a wide range of options to safeguard their homes and buildings.

How do Aluminium help?

Most thieves use special tools to exploit the base and corners of windows to gain access. Windows made from most materials are easily exploited as intruders are able to disengage safety systems inside the frame. This is precisely where aluminum frames excel because these frames can be fitted with the right safety tools to deter criminals. In fact, it's easy to install different safety measures between the joints. Any aluminum joinery system is highly resistant to deformation at the base of the material, which prevents burglars from exposing the critical loopholes.

Some of the other safeguards used in aluminum windows include the installation of multiple locks at both sides of the windows. The installation makes it difficult for perpetrators to access any safety features inside the joints. Since the time is of the essence to burglars, aluminum joints deter even the most seasoned thieves from getting access because they will need a massive amount of time and energy to break through even an ordinary window.

Constructors and professional designers have also come with innovative ways to trap burglars. For instance, the window frame can be custom-designed to change the position of the windows when they're closed first. The mechanism ensures that the system locks out anyone who tries to fiddle with the window from outside.

Besides basic fittings and security features, aluminum windows can be tailored to offer multiple features inside a single frame. It's also common for some homeowners to install several locking features and a deadbolt to deter thieves from accessing the household. As discussed earlier, criminals have tried to overcome these safety measures using drilling equipment that they can use on empty properties.

If you leave your house empty for longer durations, aluminum frames can be fitted with top-of-the-range anti-lift devices and anti-drill plates. These security measures ensure that drills and crowbars used by perpetrators are made useless. You can consult WindowsFactory for more information about these types of safety installations.

A lot of building managers also call for an extra safety glass on windows. Similarly, ordinary windows can be made more secure by replacing existing glazing beads with specially designed beads that can withstand modern tools used by burglars.

Remember that it's no use installing a high-tech burglar resistance system if the burglar can easily manipulate the existing frame getting access to vulnerable parts. Therefore, aluminum is probably the best choice in the market to safeguard your home because it can be customized to fit anyone's needs.

How aluminum window frames increase safety?


Window Factory - Aluminium and Joinery Windows

Here are some of the many features that describe how aluminum can help protect your home:

Durability: Aluminium windows are a great choice for homes and buildings located in harsh climatic zones. The corrosion resistance property of the window makes it very durable during winter and summer months. These windows do not expand, crack, or dwell making them practical for extended product life. It also means that homes located in the suburbs or on the mountains can reliably use aluminum to safeguard the premises.

Strong Window Profile: At the moment, aluminum is among the strongest profile materials available for windows. It's much stronger than the traditional wooden and uPVC windows. In fact, the strength of the frame enables windowmakers to extend the size of the glass panels allowing plenty of light to pass through the glass. Besides the strength, the strong profile is based on seemingly limitless modifications that can be completed cost-effectively.

Maximum Protection: The glazed window and the variety of joinery systems available in the market makes aluminum a very attractive choice for homebuilders. These windows can be made to include more than one layer of protection, which can be combined with additional hardware to secure the building. While vinyl and fiberglass are also used to provide strength, the design and choice of safety features in aluminum makes it the safest choice for maximum safety.

Enhanced Safety: Traditionally, it was common for architects to chose wooden and uPVC windows due to the insulation and thermal properties of these materials. However, modern technology has improved to an extent where aluminum windows can be fitted with insulators that can offer as much insulation as any other material. The result is a window system that is not only energy efficient but it also provides more protection, meets green energy guidelines, offers safety, and can be recycled easily.

Architectural Features: For anyone interested in creating architectural highlights, there is no safer option than aluminum. The chemical property of aluminum makes it very versatile because it can be bent and pressed into shape without losing its integral strength. It's also preferred choice for engineers and designers of high-rise buildings as it's the second most malleable metal and the sixth most ductile. In simple words, it means that you can also ask your window supplier for windows that are perfect for curved curtain walls and other complex architectural features.

Versatile: The safety of a home is increased using aluminum because the tensile strength of aluminium is 90MPa. The strength can be increased to almost 690MPa when used as an alloy. Construction companies regularly mix such elements as manganese, silicon, and copper to provide greater construction flexibility. Due to its lightweight, aluminium has a better weight to strength ratio than steel.

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