
Refrigerators that Save Money and Make Things Easier

by Guest Post on Mar 29, 2011

The newest designs in French door refrigerators are packed with options that make storage of perishable foods a breeze. Thanks to the developments in refrigeration over the years, we now have access to some of the world’s most exotic foods while being able to keep them fresh and ready for consumption whenever we want them. Refrigeration in our homes has also come a long way from the days of the ice box to the more modern French door refrigerators.

The top of the line refrigerators in the 1930s had a central refrigeration unit in the top center of the food compartment. It was usually small and didn’t hold very many products. Over time, more improvements were made to the models, and full freezing compartments were located on either the top or the bottom of the refrigerator completely separated from the cooling compartment. It wasn’t long before side-by-side refrigerators were developed and automated ice and water dispensers were incorporated into the design.

French door refrigerators today offer many beneficial options. The key to the design of French door refrigerators is accessibility to the items we use most frequently. Have you ever found that you purchased something with the purpose of using it the same week, only to have it go to waste because it was lost somewhere in the lower realm of your refrigerator? French door refrigerators are designed to make things more visible and more accessible. Most health conscious consumers today don’t buy a lot of frozen foods, so the need for large freezer space is decreasing. With French door refrigerators, the freezer compartment is usually located at the bottom of the unit and generally has a smaller capacity. It’s true that most consumers spend more time getting into the refrigerator than the freezer, so it makes sense to have those types of items be more accessible.

In order to understand the benefits that French door refrigerators give you, it is necessary to learn about how the design makes them more energy efficient. Some French door refrigerators have a fourth door called a pantry drawer. This drawer is an excellent place to put items that you need access to more frequently. Opening one drawer saves on the energy needed to restore the desired temperature in the refrigerator. Some French door refrigerators have LED lights that take less energy and produce less heat, which can save even more energy. Fresh foods, energy savings, visibility, and access are the benefits of French door refrigerators. These are definitely important factors to consider when upgrading your kitchen or just replacing your older refrigerator model. French door refrigerators are by far one of the most economical ways to store your perishable foods. If you are considering purchasing one of these types of refrigerators, make sure to determine the food storage needs of your family in order to make the best decision possible. By considering all of the features you would like to have in a new refrigerator, this refrigerator type may be the best fit for you and your family.

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