
Tips on Installing Garage Door by Yourself

by Guest Post on Jan 14, 2013

Installing a garage door is not very difficult. It is quite easy to do and possible even if you are a complete novice when it comes to garage door installation. At first glance, you may be intimidated by the parts and pieces which come in the package but do not be---these tips will help you put them together in no time at all.

Things to Keep in Mind

The very first thing you must do is make a list of items that have come in the package. You will be working with a lot of parts and tools, so this is very necessary. By doing so, you will not lose track of progress; you will also know where the tools are at any given point in time.

If you are new to this, ensure that the manufacturer provides friendly installation kits with their packages. Many companies are known for doing so, while some are not. You can read reviews on the Internet before choosing one for yourself. Simpler instructions are easy to follow, especially if it is your first time. Otherwise, you might injure yourself with a door that is unsafe and end up calling a professional in the end.

Getting to the Door

These tips will help you install a garage door easily and efficiently.

  1. The very first thing you must do is remove the current garage door. If handled improperly, you might injure yourself because the springs and cables that are connected to the door are under a lot of stress. Consider hiring a professional to do it for you if you are not sure about handling it yourself.
  2. If you are wondering whether the garage door is installed properly, check the level and the tracks on either side. Properly installed doors will have these tracks completely parallel on either side.
  3. The easiest type of door to install is the single-wide doors. If you are thinking of installing the door by yourself, then this is the one you should go with.
  4. Keep the area under the door clear of any household objects; you may also want to steer clear of the area when testing the installation. You simply do not want to damage any expensive items or cause injury to yourself.
  5. While installing the springs, keep your body parts out of the line of fire. Garage door springs can be extremely dangerous during installation, and you simply do not want the spring to break loose during installation unless you want to be hospitalized.
  6. This may sound obvious, but it is very important: read the instructions thoroughly and follow them to the T.

Do-it-yourself projects can be immensely satisfying in the end. Looking back at the work you have done will be satisfying, especially if it is a job done well. The above mentioned tips will help you do just that. However, if you feel it is too much for you, it is never too late to call for professional help. The money you spend will help you avoid harrowing trips to the emergency room.

Doors / Garages 4648 Views

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