
8 Steps to Making Your Home Energy-Efficient

by Kath on May 17, 2018

An eco-friendly home can be any shade of green, from the palest mint to the most in-depth forests. Through adopting some ecologically-friendly products and energy-saving techniques, you can finally manage to lower your energy bills and improve the indoor air quality of your castle.

An energy-efficient home helps you conserve energy, reduce unnecessary energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and lowers the need for non-renewable resources; they offer you significant saving systems over conventional homes. They also allow you to enjoy the cost savings throughout the year and help you get a few tax breaks while you are at it. Here are some steps you need to take in making your home energy-efficient.

1.  Make use of Energy-Efficient Appliances, particularly those with the HE logo. 

Energy-star certified devices use low power, and while they may cost you a bit extra, they are an excellent investment for you. An energy star rated appliances that focus on healthy living, for instance, an ionic air purifier will consume 30% less energy than a regular purifier which adds up to a decent saving over time.

2.  Avoid overusing your devices & turn them off when not in use

Do not use your heater excessively during the winter months, try to keep your thermostats at a standard setting rather than changing them up all the time, and turn certain things off when they are not in use.

Small lifestyle changes can also make a difference, restricting pets to a certain part of the house means that there is less maintenance such as vacuuming and cleaning to be done (and this also helps manage allergies if you have allergy-sufferers in your home).

An idle printer, desktop, microwave, refrigerator, ovens and coffee makers with LED clocks running all night, consume too much power. So, make sure that you switch them off when you do not need them immediately. Additionally, items that stay on charge overnight such appliances like cordless vacuum cleaners and smartphones are consuming energy when they do not need to. By switching these off, our small savings will turn into significant savings in the long run.

3.  Install insulation in your home.

Heat can escape your home through the un-insulated ceilings. In the summer, the outdoor weather gets into your home through the same walls, thus increasing the cost of cooling your home. When you improve the insulation system in your home, you will substantially improve your home’s energy efficiency.

4.  Install a programmable thermostat.

It helps you adjust the temperature of your home depending on the time of the day. You can always set the thermostat to warmer temperatures during the day and a cooler one at night.


5.  Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents

CFLs cost more upfront, they can last up to 12 times longer than regular incandescent bulbs, and you can always consider mixing them up a bit with some incandescent bulbs they making a significant impact on your overall usage of energy.

6.  Install energy-efficient solar panel systems

You can have them installed on your rooftop, and they will surely help you cut down on your electricity costs since they help you produce your electricity. They might not be for everyone, but as we move further into the green movement, you will see more people opting for solar panels.

7.  Invest in intelligent landscaping systems outside your home

This can help you to safeguard your home from intense sun rays during the summer and chilly winds during winter. Trees and leaves protect your house from the harsh sun rays during hot days and cool during the cold seasons.

8.  Set your water heater to a cooler setting

By making a few of these adjustments, you will be able to cut down on energy costs.  You do not require water that is too hot to clean your clothes and dishes. You also need to use low-flow fixtures for showers and baths and lastly, insulate your hot water pipes, so they do not cool off quickly

Implementing these changes will help make your home energy-efficient, and you will be smiling on your way to the bank as a result of the incredible savings you will make sooner than later. So, take these steps and enjoy living greener.

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