
Keep Your Furnace Working Efficiently and without Problems

by Boris Dzhingarov on Jun 2, 2014

The furnace you use to heat your home has been designed to work extremely efficiently. This is especially true if it is a modern model, as the best new ones have an incredibly high-efficiency rate of 97%.

This is great news for anyone who wants to heat their home without spending a fortune on it and without damaging the planet with unnecessary carbon dioxide emissions. The figures for cash savings and carbon emission reductions with an efficient boiler are highly impressive.

So how can you go about getting the maximum level of efficiency out of your furnace and making it work for you without problems? It’s not that difficult at all.

Set the Right Temperature

The temperature at which you set your furnace is going to make a big difference in how efficient it is for you. For example, if you set it too high then you are going to be wasting money and energy in heating the place unnecessarily. Setting it lower is better than setting it higher, as the room loses heat more slowly once it gets to a lower temperature. Dropping the temperature a notch can save you up to 15% from your energy bill without there being a noticeable difference in your comfort levels. You also don’t want to constantly heat up the house when no one is in it, so you should be careful when it comes to setting the controls.

Locate the Thermostat Carefully

Of course, getting the previous point right relies heavily on your thermostat giving you the correct reading. If this element of the system is wrong then you could lose the benefits you were looking for in the first place. The most important issue with the thermostat is that it needs to be placed well to avoid the reading being distorted. This means keeping them away from doors, windows and anywhere else where they could be affected by a cold breeze of air. The flip side of the coin is that you also need to be careful to avoid putting them in direct sunlight as well.

Use a Good Filter

You might already know that the filter in your furnace helps to keep the air in your home cleaner and healthier. This is because it traps a huge amount of dust and other unwanted particles floating about in the air. Just like the furnace itself, the best filters have been designed to be very close to 100% efficient. For example, the efficient 3m furnace filter will make sure that next to nothing gets through it other than clean air. However, keeping the air clean and healthy for us to breathe is far from being the only job they do and isn’t even their most important task. The fact that they trap so much dust and dirt particles in them means that they also keep the furnace cleaner. This means that the system can keep on working efficiently and with far less chance of problems that require to be fixed.

Change the Filter Regularly

Since we are on the subject of filters, it is worth remembering that they need to be replaced regularly to do the job they are designed to do. Since they are so good at capturing unwanted particles in the air, they can fairly quickly become clogged and dirty. This means that you will need to put in a new to keep the furnace working as efficiently as it should do. Typically this will mean changing the filter after three months, although in some cases it may be necessary to do it more frequently.

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