
Increase Storage Space In Your Home

by Jess Tyler on Mar 9, 2020

One of the biggest problems of a homeowner is the constant need for storage space. National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) recently analyzed the data in the Census Quarterly Starts and Completions by Purpose and Design. The findings concluded that houses are declining in square footage. The average size of a house is decreasing as residents decide to opt for smaller and, more importantly, cheaper houses.

Rent and mortgages are continuously going up making it less and less affordable for middle- and lower-income families. With space becoming more valuable and expensive, homeowners are now finding it difficult to fit all of their items inside their property.

Here, I have listed down some of the best methods on how to increase storage space in your home.

Furniture With Built-In Storage

One nifty trick that you can do is to have built-in storage on your furniture. For instance, a bed with drawers, a couch with a drawer, or a coffee table with a shelf underneath. You get to save money and space if you buy furniture with multiple functions and utilities. 

Use Boxes & Baskets

Keep items in boxes and baskets to keep them organized. Make sure that you create an inventory and label each one so you know where to find them. This way is less messy than having all of your items lying around. 

Look For Dead Space

Go around your house or apartment and identify any dead spaces. I am sure that there are corners lying around your place that could be repurposed as a storage place. Optimize the space that you find by stacking boxes on it.

Use Storage Under The Stairs

One of the most underlooked places in the entire house is the space under the stairs. Turn that space into a shoe closet, a cupboard, or a storage area. It’s best to use all of your available square footage to achieve maximum utility.

Buy Shelves

Buy a few bookshelves to organize all of your material possessions. You can use these shelves to display your souvenirs and other personal paraphernalia. Bookshelves will also ensure better organization and security of your books.

Hang Kitchen Tools

Height is your friend when it comes to clearing up space for all of your objects. You can hang your pots, pans, knives, and other kitchen equipment on the wall to free up your drawers for other items such as cutlery and plates. 

High Storage

Speaking of height, you can have overhead cabinets installed on your walls. Wall-mounted cabinets give you a place to store your sheets, towels, and any other supplies that are taking up space on your drawers. It is also recommended to have high cabinets if you just had a baby to keep items that should be kept out of reach of children.

Outdoor Storage

When everything is really filled inside, think outside the box. Items such as garden equipment, shoes, and old clothes can be stored in an outdoor shed where they are still shielded from the harsh weather.

Container Storage

If you’ve tried all of these and are still in need of storage space, then it might be high time to consider renting a storage unit. Container storage provides homeowners with a space to store all of the excess items that they do not need inside the house, but still want to keep for future use. Aside from the benefit of a less cluttered place, there is also the assurance and security that all of your items are safe until your next return.

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