
Mold Resistant Paint vs Anti Mold Cleaning Solutions

by Martin Gracewell on Apr 5, 2018

Mold is the enemy of most households - as you can guarantee that if the conditions of your home are right to promote mold growth – you’re going to be experiencing an outbreak sooner or later.

There is a lot of discussion and hysteria surrounding just how dangerous mold is – and whilst it is a pest that none of us want to find in our homes – it is generally safe unless present in large quantities.

With all that said, it would be beneficial for all if it simply wasn’t there so we’re going to provide a comparison of the two most popular ways to prevent it from coming back.

What Causes Mold Growth?

Before we get started, we should probably touch on just what causes mold to appear in the interior of buildings. The most common causes include:

  • The presence of excessive amounts of moisture and high levels of humidity
  • Lack of ventilation within the building
  • Cold interiors during winter cause condensation to appear on surfaces
  • Dark unventilated spaces, whether warm or cold

A mold is simply a form of fungus which thrives in moisture-rich environments. Once it takes hold, you will quickly see it spread across an entire surface unless it is removed as soon as possible.

How Do I Prevent Mold from Forming?

The first step is to address the ventilation issue in your home. Start by;

  • Make sure that you open your windows for at least 20 minutes a day
  • Always ensure that you use your kitchen and bathroom extraction fans

Once you start putting those two tips into action, you might never see mold in your home again.

Mold Resistant Paint

As the name suggests, this type of paint once applied to surfaces is designed to inhibit the growth of mold. Most available brands typically offer a 5-year mold prevention guarantee.

Simply remove all visible traces of mold on the walls of your property and then apply this paint as you would any other.

Anti Mold Cleaning Solutions

This type of product on the other hand is designed to work as an effective mold removal solution, clearing mold infestations from both the walls and ceilings of your property as well as any hard-surfaced furniture you have present.

Simply prepare the cleaning solution as intended and then apply it to all infected surfaces. Once complete, you will be presented with a mold-free interior.

Which Is Better?

We would suggest the use of both types of products, as using both a mold remover and a mold-resistant paint product is the perfect way to ensure that your property stays mold-free. Such products are available from any home and hardware store, and retailers offer their products. What we would suggest is making sure that you read as many customer reviews as possible to ensure that you buy the right product for the job.

No one wants to occupy a mold-infested environment which is why you should do all you can to prevent its growth.

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