
How to Clean a Bathroom Fast | A Step by Step Guide

by Guest Post on May 21, 2019

Does cleaning the bathroom feel like the absolute worst house chore ever invented? Maybe you’re just looking at things in the wrong light. In fact, this is one of the simplest rooms to clean!

Think about it: there’s running water available, the walls and floor are usually covered in tiles, and both the tapware and bathroom accessories are usually waterproof (or can otherwise be cleared away easily). There is usually no delicate furniture around that you must be really careful not to get wet. There is no other room in your house where you can literally splash water around without ruining anything!

Splashing water around is really not the right approach, however. You want instead to get hold of the right bathroom products and be meticulous and swift in your approach – tackling one thing at a time. Read through the following sections for a quick and clear action plan to help you clean your bathroom in record time.

1. How to Clean a Toilet

To clean your toilet, start by applying your preferred disinfectant generously, and proceed to scrub off any visible stains on the inside using the toilet brush. When you’re done, leave the brush in the bowl to soak up some disinfectant. Leave it alone for a few minutes to allow the disinfectant to do its magic, and then flush the toilet. Use a wet towel with some disinfectant to polish the exterior for a sparkling finish.

2. How to Clean a Shower

Put some disinfectant in a bucket with clean hot water, and soak the shower head in there for a few minutes. During this time, soak a clean towel in the bucket and use it to polish the entire shower area, making sure to clean all timescale build-ups. When you’re done, just turn on the shower head and use it to flush the area.

3. How to Clean Bathroom Tiles

Apply some disinfectant directly to a wet towel to really get it saturated, and use it to firmly scrub away any visible grime between the tiles. When you’re done, wash and rinse the towel in a bucket of water with disinfectant and use it to wipe away the leftover grime along with all film buildup on the tile surface.

4. How to Clean Bathroom Glass

The trick to cleaning bathroom glass effectively is to start by using an N with disinfected water to clean the glass, then use a dry polishing cloth to make it sparkle. Make sure to start by cleaning the edges with a straight motion, then zigzag down through the remaining surface. Finally, get hold of a dry polishing cloth and use it to remove excess moisture while polishing the surface.

5. How to Clean Bathroom Grout

When you’re looking at stubborn bathroom grout that just refuses to go with basic scrubbing, you need to reach out for the big guns. Try spraying the grout with vinegar mixed with warm water; then apply some baking soda paste and use it to cover all the grout and let it work for a few minutes. Then spray the baking soda paste off using the vinegar and water solution, and finish off any particularly resilient grime using a stiff brush.

6. How to Clean Bathroom Walls and Towel Racks

Start by simply polishing the walls with a disinfected wet towel, which allows you to gauge just how dirty the surface really is. If it doesn’t come out sparkling after a simple wipe, just reach out for the big guns as mentioned in the previous section.

To clean the towel racks, start by cleaning the surface of a bathroom towel bar with water and a fine-grade steel pad. Wipe the towel rack dry with paper towels. If you’re using one of these stainless steel racks, you can use a glass cleaner to polish it, but make sure it’s chloride-free.

7. How to Clean Bathtub

The typical challenge in cleaning a bathtub is how it’s often covered in grease, so you should start by spraying the entire surface with your favorite cleaning solution and let it work for a few minutes. Reach out for a sponge and use it to scrub the entire surface of the bathtub, and then use running water to remove the detergents. Finish by polishing the bathtub with a clean damp towel to give it that sparkling look.

8. How to Clean Taps in the Bathroom

When it comes to cleaning tapware around the bathroom, you may have to use an acidic cleaning product to dissolve limescale and grime (simple vinegar and water will do the trick). Soak up a sponge in the acidic solution and use to scrub the tapware clean, then use a damp towel to make it shine.

9. How to Clean the Bathroom Sink and Countertop

Remember to keep all acidic cleaning products away from marble countertops, since they will erode the surface and create acidic stains! Make sure to use a gentle cleaning product and a soft towel to handle the bathroom sink and countertop, since these areas don’t usually require intense clean-ups.

As long as you have the right tools at hand and the right method in mind, cleaning your bathroom can be effectively done in a matter of minutes. If by chance you find the idea of cleaning bathrooms a little disgusting – just remember, it only gets worse the more you put it off. If you get in the habit of doing this regularly, it will become an incredibly simple routine that will add to your quality of life and keep grime and foul smells to a minimum.

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