
Black Mold Inspection and Remediation in Your Home

by Guest Post on Oct 20, 2021

Poor indoor air quality can overwhelm your home. Black mold is a primary indoor environmental concern for many homeowners. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, "if you suspect mold in your home, it's important to hire a professional immediately."[1] Unfortunately, black mold is more likely to be dangerous and can cause severe respiratory illness, trigger allergies, and cause asthma attacks. The black frame can also cause thousands of dollars in damages to your home. Keep reading more details below to find out what you should do if the black mold is invading your space.

Finding A Certified Black Removal Specialist Immediately 

One of the biggest myths of cleaning up black mold is it can be a do-it-yourself (DIY) project. Another myth is black mold can remove by cleaning it with bleach.

Consequently, when you try to clean mold on your own, dangerous spores are released into the air, and these spores can land and impact other areas of your home and make the problem worse.

Hiring an expert like RestoreUnow of Maryland to remove black mold will heed professional results. A mold remediation expert is an expert in the assessment, diagnosis, and remediation of many types of mold, including the black frame.

How Long Does It Take For Black Mildew To Get Rid Off? 

Mildew is known as the early stages of mold. The difference between black mold and mildew is mold usually grows under damp, wet areas and is slimy. The fungus has a fluffy or powdery texture and grows in moist warm areas. Mold and mildew are frequently confused because they both thrive from moisture.

Mold has spores and fumes that are considerably harder to remove than mildew. Mildew builds mainly on surface areas, making it much easier to clean than a frame. Black mold tends to accumulate under surfaces, behind walls, and even in your HVAC system, making it harder and longer to remediate.

How Will You Know If You Have Black Mold In Your Home?

Your nose will be the first indication of mold in your home. Many people complain of a musty, stale odor when they suspect mold indoors. However, others will start to experience allergies or experience respiratory distress at home, but their symptoms improve dramatically away from home.

Homeowners should also inspect dark, damp areas of their homes, including the attic, crawlspace, and basement.[2] However, it's best to hire a professional to inspect for black mold hidden under surface areas or behind walls to avoid additional spreading.

A black mold remediation expert has the skills training to spot and eradicate mold growth in your home. More importantly, a mold remediation professional will have the right equipment to keep your loved ones, pets, and belongings safe during cleanup.

Black mold is toxic and should be remediated by a professional right away to help homeowners avoid thousands in medical and property costs. An expert can assess your situation and recommend ways to keep black mold from rapidly growing back in your home. Let the professionals help you rid your home of toxic black mold today.

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