
Winter Garden Maintenance Tips

by Boris Dzhingarov on Nov 22, 2015

Winter is the quietest time of the year for most gardeners. It’s a time when green-fingered individuals plot and plan their gardening activities for the following year. Most pay little attention to their garden at this time of year but this can be an expensive mistake. You may not be sowing, pruning or harvesting vegetables, plants, shrubs or trees during winter but there are many maintenance activities you should complete. These are some of the most important garden maintenance tips you should consider.

Prevent Rusting

Rust is one of the biggest problems gardeners face during the winter months. Saws, shovels, spades, lawnmowers and a wide range of other garden tools rust if they’re not stored correctly. Tools are often left outside or stored in damp, unsheltered areas of the garden. It’s vital to go out to your garden and ensure that all of your tools are cleaned, sharpened and stored in a dry place that won’t increase the likelihood of rusting.

Remove Rust

If rusting has already taken hold on your tools, there are ways to cure the problem. Unfortunately, many tools can be badly damaged by rust and won’t be able to do their job. This can be costly because you’ll have to replace these tools when it’s time to start gardening again. A range of affordable rust removal products can be applied to these items. This simple measure has the potential to save you a lot of money next year. Once again, it’s better to avoid this problem by storing your tools properly.

Move Gardening Items Indoors

Many parts of the country experience severe weather conditions during winter. Heavy rain, frost, snow, and wind all take their toll on containers and similar gardening items. Frost, in particular, can damage pots, barrels, glass containers, bird feeders and garden furniture. Move these items into a dry, safe place until they’re needed again.

Maintain and Protect Winter Plants, Trees and Other Garden Features

Some plants, trees and other garden-related features need to be checked, maintained and cared for all year round. Many items only require a small amount of attention during winter. However, it’s important to remember to prune, water, protect and add compost to these plants and trees that require this attention. Unfortunately, many gardeners are pre-occupied with other events such as Christmas and neglect these plants and trees that need attention.

Other features such as garden buildings and walls also require regular maintenance. You may need to hire equipment from a rental depot to do this work.

Create Compost for the New Gardening Season

Composting is a process that continues throughout the year, no matter what the weather conditions are like. When the gardening season starts many gardeners have to put their hand in their pockets and pay for compost for their garden. However, you can reduce your compost bills by making your own during the winter. This is easy and manageable to do.

The main thing you need to do is find the appropriate composter for your garden. Then you have to commit to adding waste products regularly. If done properly, you will have plenty of high-quality compost when you resume your gardening activities.

Many gardeners hibernate in winter. However, this can be a mistake. Even doing a small amount of maintenance during these months will save you money and a lot of trouble in the future.

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