
Top Tips for Keeping Your UPVC Door Looking Brand New

by Guest on Sep 16, 2013

Buying replacement UPVC windows and doors is an investment and in order to get the best return on your outlay and keep your home looking well-maintained, you should try to follow some basic tips so that they continue to look as good as new.

Looking after your investment

Caring for your new windows and doors should be part of your regular maintenance routine.

A regular maintenance programme should be easy to follow and will greatly improve the chances of your windows and doors looking good and working efficiently for many years.

Cleaning your doors and windows

The good news is that UPVC is very durable and also weather resistant so it will require very little cleaning in general. There are occasions, especially after a wet or damp spell, that mould and mildew can build up on your UPVC doors and you can easily avoid this problem by regularly wiping the door clean.

Avoid using an abrasive at all costs as this will scratch and cause damage to your door. There are a number of suggested cleaning products available to order that are specifically designed for use with UPVC products, but you can actually make your own suitable solution fairly easily. Using a garden spray bottle that has been thoroughly cleaned out or preferably not used before, mix a little vinegar with some hot water and simply spray the door, followed by a gentle wipe clean.


One of the key selling points of UPVC doors and windows is that they come in a finish of your choice that does not need touching up or re-painting. A few people try to paint their door at some point because they want a change of colour but this is probably the single most damaging thing you could actually do to it.

Never ever attempt to apply any paint to your UPVC door as you will simply damage it beyond repair and it will never actually look that good anyway so it is a disaster to be avoided at all costs.

Spare parts

As a result of accidental damage or sometimes extensive use or just general wear and tear, there might be the odd occasion where you need to replace a part on your door or window. Your UPVC supplier should be able to provide you with the replacement part that you need, meaning that your door can be restored to full working order in no time at all.

Do not attempt to make any repairs yourself without using the genuine replacement part needed as it might compromise the security of the door and even invalidate the guarantee if you cause damage as a result of your actions.

The general tip to remember is that the better you care for your UPVC door and windows, the more likely they are to reward you with long service and reliability.

With just a small amount of regular maintenance you can keep your UPVC door looking like brand new for many years to come.

Ian Chalk is a hardware store owner of many years. When he's not advising his customers, he likes to share his know-how on a variety of Internet blog sites. 

Doors / Garages 4651 Views

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