
Do not Sweat the Little Things - Fixing Minor Annoyances at Home

by Sara Louisa Bryant on May 4, 2016

When you come home at the end of your long day at work, it seems as though some days, everything is annoying. Minor things that wouldn’t otherwise register on your radar can suddenly seem intolerable, and you can be left seething over almost nothing.

This low level of constant irritation can build up over time, so for your peace of mind, tackle these issues when they arise to avoid putting up with them over time. Getting overly stressed over small incidents is far more common nowadays as we are constantly bombarding our senses with over-stimulation, so a misstep here and there can even lead to a complete mental breakdown.

Of course, we are not saying that everybody is a ticking time bomb, however, minor annoyances at home and work certainly can’t help the situation. In some cases, it might be the difference between a good night’s sleep and a restless evening in. Wouldn’t you prefer to be able to easily relax after a long day, instead of having your hackles raised at that pesky draught on the backs of your ankles?

Sort it out Now!

Whether you work 8 hours a day, you are employed in shifts, you’re a parent to a young child or you’re socially outgoing, there are countless ways in which you can easily put off minor annoyances to be ‘dealt with’ at a later date. Tomorrow is the new today, right? However even if they are not riling you up at that second, there may be a time in the future when they are not so easily ignored. Better to sort them out while you remember and while they are only minor annoyances than to wait until they become major annoyances.

We’ve listed a number of the highest offenders for ‘minor annoyance’ of the year award, what may cause them and what you can do to quickly put a stop to them. Take the time out of your day now to get them sorted, once and for all!

Squeaky Doors and Leaky Taps

A dripping tap is often cited as one of the most annoying things in a house. The constant dripping makes an irritating noise, but it is incredibly easily sorted. By simply replacing the washer, you can prevent the tap from releasing water when it isn’t on, so you don’t need to deal with the sound anymore. If you’re not sure what you’re doing yourself, a plumber can sort it out in five minutes.

If you’re not entirely convinced, imagine that you have two leaky taps averaging about one drip per minute. Over the year you will have wasted 314 Litres of water, enough water to fill an entire bathtub twice over! It might not seem like much, but when you are counting pennies, every little bit helps.

Squeaking doors are another common irritation at home. If the hinges are just a little bit old, get them oiled up to stop the problem. If they’re really old, it might be better to get them replaced with quality iron hinges which should ward off the problem for years. Also, when hinges become old and stiff, it can be tricky to close doors properly or they may become ‘sticky’, so to give them their normal swing back, get the hinges properly lubricated.


Draughts can be intensely annoying, especially if you’re trying to relax or sleep but can’t as a result of the chill creeping under the door. Fortunately, draught excluders are very cheap, or you can make your own by stuffing an old knee-high sock full of old fabric remnants or scrunched up newspaper and laying it across the bottom of a door. Draughts from windows can be easily sorted by using a good quality sealant to block off any gaps.

Protecting your home from draughts will also help to reduce your heating bill during the winter months. Walls and doors that have been poorly sealed can make a big impact on your heating bills as essentially any heat generated by your central heating escapes through the cracks and into the outside world. Sealing any cracks or draught heavy spaces and using draught excluders helps to keep the heat in, thus reducing the time you spend heating your home over the winter. It is a win, win situation.

Intrusive Light

When you’re trying to sleep is the presence of extra light in a room can be incredibly annoying. Thin curtains can let in too much light, which can be especially annoying if there is a streetlight directly outside your window or you live in a big, busy city. Buying blackout blinds are an excellent solution as the fabric is specially created to block out the light, allowing you to get a better night’s sleep.

Those little niggles in life can soon take their toll, and why it may seem silly to get so worked up over such small things, it can all build up and become unbearable if it’s coupled with major life issues, so deal with the easy problems first so you feel ready to work up to the bigger issues. Dealing with the smaller problems will give you a small sense of accomplishment, allowing you to make those crucial steps to dealing with larger problems in your life. It is all about relativity and not taking on more than you can handle. Take it one step at a time and you should be fine.

Article provided by Mike James, an independent content writer working together with Yorkshire based furniture specialists, who were consulted over the information contained in this post.

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