
Creating Tranquility in a Home Office

by Guest on Jan 3, 2014

Creating a Zen like atmosphere in your home office is truly the way to go. When you are at peace with your surroundings everything is so much less stressful, you get a lot more done and you have a better time doing it.

Everyone in a cubical would give their right arm to be able to work at home in a peaceful relaxing environment surrounded by their favorite things. All the colors in the environment of their own choosing none of them being abrasive. And for that matter no abrasive co-workers to have to deal with either.

Yes, you can create your own little sanctuary right in your own home with a commute that lasts all of 30 seconds as you walk in your bathrobe from the coffee pot to your laptop.

Tips For Tranquility

1. First things first, forget what all the so-called experts tell you what to do and just do what you like.

Yes, that's a tip. You see, so many people get all caught up in what some self-proclaimed guru say's you should do instead of putting together all the things you love.

If all the latest gurus say you should have fuchsia for a background color but it feels abrasive to you and it irritates you then what do they know, do what you like.

The tip here is to make it YOUR space, not anyone else's. If you like bean bag furniture go for it if you get excited about having red velvet drapes then do it. Whatever makes you feel good that's your Zen.

2. Think through a fountain purchase before you make one. There are lots of Gurus saying you should have a fountain in your office but there are some points to consider. I had one for a very short time and had to get rid of it because the constant sound of running water made me feel like I had to pee all the time. The other challenge is that they almost never keep all the water to themselves. They almost always splatter or sprinkle water on the floor, table, or desk and that can be hazardous.

3. Simple brings about peace. Keep your environment free of clutter, and make things easily organized and easy to find. It's really hard to be peaceful when you're on the phone with someone who needs something and you can't find it.

Simple art has been proven to bring about the most relaxing and peaceful thoughts. This is why much of the Japanese art is very simple with maybe just a bird on a branch or a few letters done in an artsy kind of way.

I'm not saying it's so simple and easy that you fall asleep. No, what I mean is a mind cluttered lacks focus.

4. Keep the floor clear. You should really only have just a couple of items on the floor one being a trashcan, another your desk, and the third your chair. Just like we spoke of above the less you have the better. When you have a minimalist feel going on in the room your mind can focus so much better and your sense of calm should rise.

Not only that but if your floor is clear that means you have less stuff, less stuff costs less money but getting rid of stuff is the basis of most Buddhist philosophies as well.

There is a saying applied to many areas of life and that is "less is more". To help yourself achieve a tranquil feeling in your home office space try the less is more minimalist approach I'm sure you'll agree it just feels better.

Hervey Thomson loves creating peace and tranquility in any space in the home and is especially exuberant about being able to write on the topic of a tranquil office. A Zen office is a productive office.

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