
Tips on How to Restore Your Art Deco Furniture

by Guest on Dec 24, 2014

Having art deco furniture in your home is a great thing but most of us tend to forget that they also wear out and therefore need restoration. In the face value, this antique furniture may look seamless but on a closer look, you will likely see some rips and tears which, if not taken care of early enough, can limit the lifespan of your furniture. Here, you will find out how to restore your deco furniture and give it a new lease of life.

The first thing is to carry out a thorough inspection of your furniture to find out points of weakness and damaged areas. You can start by pressing hard on the sides of the frame and wobble it from one side to another. In case the furniture feels sturdy and nice then there is no need to worry. However, if it tends to give a lot then you need to do something. 

Find a way to strengthen any wobbling joints such as tightening bolts and nuts, ribbiting or nailing where applicable. Reupholstering is another way to restore your art deco but the problem is the process is not that cheap, especially if you were to use the original materials. A good option is to use a bold color or some vibrant pattern that dates back to the period in which the upholstery was originally conceived. 

The hallmark of art deco furniture is the grand veneered finishes on ocean liner balustrades. With time, much of the veneer damaged as you can see with of this antique furniture still existing today. Nevertheless, damaged veneers are easy to restore. All you need to do is iron over brown as this will melt the origin glue and flatten out decades-long imperfections. In all you do, just try to rescue the original veneer at all costs. 

Chips are much more difficult to deal with if you are not a carpenter or woodwork expert. The best thing to do is to seek the services of an expert. In this way, you will more likely ensure an exact match and quality finish. Not all experts will deliver the results you are looking for and therefore you need to be careful about whose services you utilize. 

The final touch you want to make is lacquering. This will provide protection and bring out the relic beauty. Over or full lacquering may make your art deco furniture look very new and am sure you do not want that. You should, therefore, do 70% sheen lacquer, worn with a little wire wool for a more homely feel. With the steps above you can be sure that your art deco furniture will be restored to its former glory its wage notwithstanding. 

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