
Take the Time to Look for Quality: Characteristics of Good Roofing

by Guest on Sep 14, 2013

There are places in and around the house where you do not want to skimp on the cost of construction, and the roof is one of those places.  The roof defends the home against most of the moisture that would otherwise destroy the structure of the home.  If the roof is not solid and installed correctly, then you will suffer severe damage to the structure of your home over time, and that damage only gets worse the longer you wait to have the work done.  When you set out to find a quality roofer, you need to ask several important questions, but these are three of the most important.

“Are You Insured?”

This is one of the first questions that you need to ask any roofer that you consider hiring.  A roofer that pays for insurance is a good idea for a couple of reasons.  Obviously, they are able to pay for any damage that they may cause to your roof during the course of the installation, but insurance is a way for the roofer to prove that they are serious about their work.  Insurance is their way of telling customers that they value the customer and realize that accidents happen, so they are willing to incur the cost of insurance to make sure that everyone is covered.  If the company does not have insurance, consider that a non-starter and immediately move on to another potential contractor.

“Describe Your Process And Timeline”

This is where you get some idea about what the company does and how long it takes the company to complete its work.  The very best roofers have a roofing buggy or some other kind of roofing aid that will make it easy to tear the old roof of the home.  If they do not have this equipment, then you run the risk of hiring a company that will just throw old shingles down into the yard, and that can mean stray screws and nails all over the lawn.  The company should also tell you about the mats and underlayment that they will put under the shingles to further protect the structure of the home from moisture.  Finally, the company should have some kind of timeline as to when the work will be done.  You can tell a lot about the experience of the contractor by the timeframe that you are given.  If the window is too large, then you are dealing with a contractor that does not have a lot of experience and does not really know who long that kind of work is going to take.

“Tell Me About Your Staff”

This might seem like a strange question, but it is one that needs to be asked of the contractor you are working with.  If the roofer talks about hiring day laborers or temporary workers, stop the conversation right away and find another contractor.  The best roofing companies have full-time, experienced employees that know who to deal with all of the different problems that can come up during the installation of a new roof.   You do not workers who do not know what they are doing to take care of the most important external feature of your home; bad workmanship will only lead to serious problems later on.

Other questions, such as asking about warranties and cost will come up as the discussion over the details of the job take shape.  If you ask your roofing contractor these questions, you will have a good idea about what kind of roofing company you are dealing with, and you can make a better decision about your contractor.

Roofing / Gutters 4824 Views

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