
How You Would Benefit Motion Detectors

by Guest Post on Sep 30, 2021

Let's face it; motion detectors do a lot of work for you. With a pair of motion detector glasses, you can feel really secure without even lifting a finger. These detectors give you a feeling of being passive and observant at the same time - meaning that, as an owner of a home, you can keep an eye out from afar! It’s like having your very own off-site security camera system—without actually owning one.

Motion detectors have been around for a while now, and they've evolved so much. Like CCTV Installations puts it, "21st Century Intruder Detection systems are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated". So, there's no better time than now to invest in this super device. But if you're still on the fence,  here are five ways motion detectors can benefit you.

Benefits of Motion Detectors in The Home

1. Keep Burglars at Bay 

Whether you live in a tight-knit neighborhood or on a more secluded property, most homeowners would agree that taking precautions to prevent an intrusion is vital. If a burglar wants to break in, they’re going to find a way no matter what. But what if, instead of trying to keep them out, you make it less appealing for them to stay inside? Installing motion detectors means giving any late-night wanderers who might accidentally wander into your yard (or garage) something other than you and your family to focus on.

2. Help Monitor your Kids

Kids are curious. If you have useful possessions or valuables in areas where toddlers could access them, like the laundry room, garage, or closet, it might be a good idea to consider setting up sensors at the doorways to these zones. For instance, if your toddler is about to get into the closet with stickers or other art supplies, you'll want to know before he sticks his fingers in there!

3. Automatically Open Doors as You Approach

Motion sensors can also provide you and everyone else residing in your home with a more convenient way to access the house. This means that you could unlock the front door just by approaching it with your phone as you arrive home. Some motion sensor technologies will even open the door just because it senses you approaching. So it doesn't matter if your hands are too full to even operate a doorknob at all; you'll get in!.

4. Alert you of Wandering Pets 

Motion sensors are best suited for guarding areas that could easily be damaged if an animal or person were to get in. For example, if there are areas on your property that have delicate plants or even small, fragile items that could be easily damaged, this is where motion sensors would come in handy. They could send alerts when something comes through those areas and set off the sensor. Or perhaps email you some snapshots from its camera for further inspection if needed. 

5. Turns On Lights When You Enter A Room

If you’re having trouble turning off the lights when you leave the room, a motion sensor can help you save electricity! It can be programmed to activate the light when anything enters the room, including you. And it turns off when there’s nobody there to bask in its glow.

The Bottom Line is,

Motion sensors aren’t just a decorative device—they’re an absolute necessity. Motion sensors don’t just make your home look like it has eyes—they add an extra sense of security. And when we say extra, we mean EXTRA because you can’t expect them to see all of the wrongdoings on their own! But having them means that whenever there are any wrongdoings, someone will definitely know about them.

Photo compliments of Pixabay.com

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