
Creating a Walk-In Shower

by Magdalena Ehnes on Aug 28, 2012

Have you ever noticed how most showers and shower rooms feel a little awkward, and perhaps even a little flimsy?

This is a great shame - because for those of us lucky enough to have a power shower in a walk-in shower know that these are the best and most relaxing of all showers to have.

Their design is often solid and utilitarian, but feels fantastic – and the cleaning of such walk-in showers is relatively far easier than a cubicle shower or shower over a bath. But you do need a good power shower to make the whole thing worthwhile.

This is a relatively easy thing to create as long as your bathroom is big enough. Ignore your current bathroom suite (and maybe even do without a bath unless you have to have one). Now imagine the layout of the room with a solid wall (which may be glass or tiled) across around two meters or more in length with at least a meter for where your shower is going to be. What you end up with, then, is an “L” shape around which you enter the shower. This tiled or glass shower wall needs to be high enough for you not to worry about any water going over the top, and long enough for you not to worry about it going around the side.

Together with a really solid base and a great power shower, you now have the perfect walk-in shower which – once you’ve experienced it – there is no going back from.

Just be sure not to skimp on the cost or the details – and don’t try and be too fancy. The more solid the slabs and utilitarian feel, the more solid and powerful the overall feel then is. If you buy a power shower from Mira this should fit the bill perfectly.

The Mira electric showers from Mira have something in the range to suit all tastes and the power showers which are digitally thermostatically controlled enable you to relax in the perfect temperature for you, with a powerful force, completely at ease in your walk-in bathroom.  

Kitchen / Bathrooms 5617 Views

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