
Showers vs Baths - What You Need to Know

by Guest on Jan 17, 2014

When it comes to showers vs baths there are some things you should know about both options. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. Some people do one or the other and some people do both. Here is what you need to know about this subject.

Water Consumption

Taking baths uses up more water than taking a shower does. On average when you take a shower that lasts eight minutes you are using 62 liters of water in your shower alone. The average bath uses up to 80 liters of water. If you are trying to conserve water you will want to avoid taking power showers that use as much as 136 liters of water. To take a power shower that does not waste a lot of water all you will need is an optimized or regulated shower. Even if you take one without having this type of shower you will still use less water than you would if you took a bath. Using a shower head that is water efficient and taking showers that last no more than four minutes uses an average of only 32 liters of water.

Taking a bath without using too much water is possible if you simply fill it only as full as you need it to be rather than filling it to capacity. Experts also recommend that you shower with a spouse or same-gender child to help conserve water.


It is better for your hygiene if you take a shower than it is if you take a bath. This is because when you sit in a bathtub the dirt and grime are washed off your body and ends up in the water you are soaking in, which effectively puts the dirt and grime back on you and defeats the whole purpose of the bath.

To get clean and still be able to enjoy a relaxing bath you can simply shower and then close your drain and let your bathtub fill. This way, when you sit in the bathwater you are already clean and will not be sitting in your filth.

It also makes more sense from a hygiene perspective to put your young child in a shower as opposed to the bathtub. Babies and toddlers tend to pee in their bathwater and this can prevent them from coming out of the bath cleaner than they were when they got into the tub.

Skin Care

When it comes to taking care of your skin baths are better than showers because the water pounds your skin and can damage it as a result. Taking a bath allows you to immerse your body in water, which causes your pores to open up, leading to healthier, smoother skin.

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