
Tips for Fixing Blocked Drains

by Rick Hill on Sep 21, 2016

Having a slow-moving or completely blocked drain can be a real problem. It can make showering difficult and using the toilet impossible. 

If the drain is blocked so much that no water can get through, it can cause water to pool in the affected area and possibly overflow onto the floor. This can cause water damage in your home that can be difficult to clean up and repair. This is why it is a good idea to take care of blocked drains at the first sign of a problem.

If you notice your sink is draining sluggishly, you should take care of the problem before it gets worse. After all, the blockage is not going anywhere on its own. It will just continue to worsen and eventually become completely blocked. 

If this happens, you will not be able to use the affected sink, shower, or toilet buildup. This can be a huge inconvenience, especially if you only have one bathroom in your home. 

Hair is another culprit for causing blocked drains, especially in shower drains. Knowing how to take care of the problem yourself is important and can save you time and money.

There are Many Causes for Blocked Drains 

Often, grease and other particles are deposited on the pipes. Over time, this buildup can lead to blockages. Hair is another common reason for blocked drains, especially in the shower or bathtub. If you have a septic system, you may even get a blocked drain from tree roots growing into the pipe and causing problems. 

These days to conserve more water and be more environmentally friendly, toilets are designed to flush using less water and pressure. Usually, this is not a problem, but every once in awhile, it just is not enough, and the drain can become clogged.

When you are aware of the possible causes of blocked drains in, you can be prepared to take care of the problem. A useful tool for clearing blocked drains is a plunger. A plunger works by creating a high amount of suction that dislodges the blockage and allows it to move down the pipe and be flushed away. 

 To create an airtight seal that can create the most amount of suction, apply grease to the rim of your plunger before placing it over the drain. It is also helpful to fill the sink with enough water to cover the bottom part of the plunger. Pump the plunger a few times. Make sure you push hard on the plunger and completely depress the cup. 

Remove the plunger and test the drain by running water down it. If the water drains quickly, your drain is clear. If it is still draining sluggishly, try pouring some boiling water down the drain.

This can help to break up grease, and other buildups. You may also try using a drain snake. This tool is a long, flexible metal rod. When you put it down your drain, it can bend with the pipes and dislodge any blockages. You usually have to rotate the drain snake for it to be effective

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